ASIA DESIGN PLATFORMAbout Asia Design Platform (ADP)

Asia Design Platform comprises of Designer/design company pool system, International Busan Design Award, Design Market, Designer’s Job Matching and Designer’s social contribution activities. Users have free access to all the content.


ADP Asia DesignPlatform

Project Outline Y2021

  • ADP Design Market

    Buy and sell designs•Trademarks through the market

  • ADP Designer’s Job Portal

    Provide domestic and international designers with Design Education and Job-matching service

  • ADP Design Sharing

    Support Designers’ social contribution activities

Project Outline Y2020

  • ADP Pool

    Register all designers, entrepreneurs using the platform

  • ADP Design Contest

    Create Design Contest and call for participation from designers

  • IBDA(International Busan Design Award)

    Exchange global design values through International Busan Design Award

Details of ADP establishment

ADP User Pool
A platform where information about design-related experts, the general public, and companies is registered for future utilization.
Design Contest(ADP Design Contest)
A platform where can select the desired design through establishing a design contest. The procedures include registering the design guideline, setting the prize money and submitting the design results that are linked to IBDA.
A platform that promotes exchange of international designs, diversification and industrialization of the former Busan Industrial Design Exhibition so that it will become a prestigious global award.
Design Market
A platform where individuals and organizations trade one’s design outcome, intellectual property right and design registration right.
Design Job Portal
A platform that effectively matches domestic and international job seekers to facilitate the creation of new jobs and mutual exchange of related design institutions.
Design Sharing
A platform that facilitate contribution to the development of the social collaborative economy through donation of talent of designer companies and designers registered in the human resources DB, which serves design projects requested by consumers of domestic and foreign public interest groups (social enterprises, village enterprises, social public interest groups and associations, etc.)