Award Announcement

  • Award Name
    2024 International Busan Design Award
  • Organizers
    Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Office of Education, Design Council Busan
  • Hosts
    Design Council Busan
  • Sponsors
    Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, KF Asean Culture House, Busan Ilbo Co., Ltd., Kookje Co., Ltd., KNN, Busan MBC, Busan Federation of Designers, SEDIA, Busan Bank, Design House
  • Exhibition Period
    10. 24 (목). 2024  ~  10. 27 (일). 2024[originally scheduled for 6. 13.(Thu). 2024 ~ 6. 16.(Sun). 2024]
  • ExhibitionLocation
    Exhibition Location: BEXCO Exhibition Center Ⅰ[originally scheduled for BEXCO Exhibition Center Ⅱ]

Submission Requirements

Eligibility Entry Fees
General public Undergraduate and graduate students, all individuals and organizations

※ Personal submission or group submission of maximum 4 designers are accepted(maximum 2 pieces of design per each entry)
※ Group submission (maximum 4 designers) must specify the one main designer and assistant designers
※ One representative award will be granted for winning design piece of Group Submission (However, all participants can receive certificates of entry and details of award via ADP website)
※Submission of multiple pieces is considered as 1 piece of design

  • Undergraduate and graduate students, individuals: Free
  • Organizations: KRW 100,000per 1 entry piece (payment upon online entry submission)

※Submission of multiple pieces is considered as 1 piece of design

Youth Elementary, secondary, or high school students, or youth under 18

※ Personal submission or group submission of maximum 4 designers are accepted(maximum 2 pieces of design per each entry)
※ Group submission (maximum 4 designers) must specify the one main designer and assistant designers
※ One representative award will be granted for winning design piece of Group Submission (However, all participants can receive certificates of entry and details of award via ADP website)
※Submission of multiple pieces is considered as 1 piece of design

Invited/Nominated Designers Invited/ Nominated Designers of the International Busan Design Award including Invited/ Nominated Designers of the Busan Industrial Design Exhibitions -


  • 01

    Online submission and 1stround screening

    2. 1 (목). 2024 ~
    5. 7 (Tue). 2024

  • 02

    1stroundonline screening

    5. 10(Fri). 2024 ~ 5. 15 (수). 2024
    1st round winnerannouncement : 5. 16 (목). 2024

  • 03

    Offline submission of actual pieces and 2nd round screening

    6. 20.(Thu). 2024 ~
    6. 24 (월). 2024

  • 04

    2nd Round of Review &
    final results announcement

    Announcement of final results :
    2024. 7. 1 (월)

Online &offline announcement of the award

  • Submission Period
    2. 1 (목). 2024 ~ 5. 7 (Tue). 2024
  • Submission Platform
    Official website of the International Busan Design Award(
  • 1stroundonline screening
    5. 10.(Fri). 2024 ~ 5. 15 (수). 2024[originally scheduled for 5. 10.(Fri). 2024 ~ 5. 13.(Mon). 2023]
  • 1st round winnerannouncement
    5. 16 (목). 2024

※ Selected winners of the 1st round must submit the actual design pieces by the specified deadline for the 2nd round offline screening (failure to submit actual pieces may result in elimination from the contest)

Offline submission of actual pieces and 2nd round screening

  • Submission Period
    6. 20(Thu). 2024 ~ 6. 24 (월). 2024[originally scheduled for 6. 20(Thu). 2024 ~ 5. 28.(Tue). 2024]
  • Submission Office
    Design Council Busan ibda Secretariat
  • Design Council Busan ibda Secretariat
    the 1st floor exhibition hall, 57 centum dong-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan

※ Actual pieces must arrive at the submission office by the final submission date (Senders are responsible for any damage or lost items)

Submission Restrictions

  • Entries recognized as plagiarism
  • Entries recognized as harmful to the public order and social morals
  • Entries that do not meet the production standards specified in the guidelines
  • Entries that were awarded in other competitions

※ Recognition and prize money will be revoked

Submission Categories

Entries can belong to one of the following categories, all of which drive toward the goal of creating and developing the field of industrial design, as well as boost the competitiveness of relevant industrial products to advance the overall industrial development
  • Communication Design and Service Design
    (Free Theme)

    Communication design including advertising, graphics, CI, BI, video, multimedia content and all areas of service such as design shared value design, social innovation design, etc.

  • Product Design and Environmental Design
    (Free Theme)

    Comprehensive product designs for consumer goods, industrial goods, etc. and environmental designs such as architectural and public designs

  • Craft and Fashion Design
    (Free Theme)

    Comprehensive craft designs such as metals, ceramics, woodwork, paintings, varnishing, textiles, etc. and fashion designs such as clothing, accessories, etc.

Submission Standards

Online Submission Standards

Image size A1 (size : 594mm × 841mm × 200dpi / pixels : 4677 × 6623 × 72dpi), vertical/horizontal, maximum 2 pages (panels)
Color Space RGB
File Format JPG

Offline Actual Piece Submission Standards

Flat Entries
  • 590㎜×840㎜×5㎜ (size A1) submit foam board (maximum 2 pieces)
    • - Unable to modify entries after submission
    • - Information on the identity, origin, and affiliation of the submitter is prohibited
3D models
  • POP, CIP, Package design
    • - Display size must be less than 900㎜×900㎜×900㎜
  • Multimedia content•video submission
    • - Submission of entry in USB format
    • - Web-design entry pages are a maximum of 20 pages, and video submission is within 5 minutes
  • Product, environmental, fashion•craft design
    • - Disply size less than 1000㎜×1000㎜×2000㎜
    • - Mannequins are available in the fashion design field but must be prepared by the submitter

※ The selected entries from the first screening are prize-winning works; thus, actual pieces must be submitted before the designated date by mail or by visiting (failure to submit actual pieces may result in elimination from the contest)


Committee of Judges: Members from related domestic and international agencies, experts in various fields

Winning criteria for all categories(Free theme)

  • Originality

    Show originality

  • Efficiency

    Meet the functionality and efficiency for relevant purposes

  • Proper use of materials

    Efficient and appropriate use of the materials’ properties

  • Comprehensive aesthetic quality

    Have a comprehensive design to satisfy the aesthetic sense

  • Universal validity

    Present sufficient references and bring about universal validity

  • Compliance with the manufacturing specifications

    Strictly comply with the production guidelines for each category

  • Tastes of the consumers

    Satisfy customers’ preferences

Screening and announcement

2ndround of screening

6. 27 (목). 2024[originally scheduled for 5. 30.(Thu). 2024]
2차작품 심사 후

Announcement of Results

7. 1 (월). 2024[originally scheduled for 6. 3.(Mon). 2024]

Final announcement will be posted on the International Busan Design Award homepage ( and Design Council Busan homepage(

Awards Ceremony

10. 24 (목) 16:00. 2024 ~
[originally scheduled for 6. 13.(Thu) 16:00 ~. 2024]
BEXCO Exhibition Center Ⅰ, Busan Design Week exhibition Hall
[originally scheduled for BEXCO Exhibition Center Ⅱ]

Ceremony Categories [General: Free Theme Category]

(Unit: KRW)

Ceremony Categories [Student: Free Theme Category]

(Unit: KRW)

※ Organizations that are awarded will receive an additional 1 point for each winning piece when applying for the support program by Design Council Busan (winning record will be effective for one year)
※ Winning entries of organizations will be granted authorization to use the ibda certification mark
※ Winning entries will be supported for online and offline exhibitions and promotion of award-winning works
※ Registration of Intellectual Property Right will be supported for Grand, Gold, Silver, Bronze winners, and winners in organizations of their choice (Registration fee supported)
※ Grand, Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners who reside abroad will be supported with travel fees if they wish to participate in the awards ceremony (USD300)
- Airfare is not applicable

Retrieval of submitted entries

Retrieval of exhibited pieces: Oct. 28 (Mon) ~ Oct. 29 (Tue), 2024, 10:00-18:00[originally scheduled for Jun. 17 (Mon) ~ Jun. 18 (Tue), 2024, 10:00-18:00]

※ All entries must be retrieved within the designated period. Entries that are not reclaimed within the deadline will be donated or discarded. Design Council Busan is not responsible for any damage or lost items thereafter.


Design Council Busan Tel : 051)790-1091~1092
For more information, please refer to the award guidelines on the official award’s website (

※ Please kindly note that the date and time described are in Korean Standard Time(KST).